Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ahh, the good life

Being a Peterson is a lot like being the President. Your inner circle is rife with pundits and know-it-alls, arguing over power and  shady finance deals (be it Rezko or Monopoly). The Peterson tree has many branches and reaches across many states but they all share one thing. Personality. Boat loads of loud, intoxicating personality coupled with impeccable comedic timing. With our family growing faster than google stock, the youngin's (and their dreaded rap music!) are ushering in a new regime. They're in college attending rallies. They're in the board room letting important calls go straight to voice mail. But even they realize the importance of "the Associates" (also known as The Alberta 9, long story) and the importance of wisdom that comes with age. So, what does all this mean? Who knows, but just know that what ever happens, you'll be able to hear and see it all on this blog. As your narrator I will introduce you to many family members, who will chime in from time to time as a guest blogger. We'll give you a behind the scenes look at our daily doings, and when it's all said and done you might just learn something.

Speaking of brain function, let's begin with a simple word of the week. This weeks word is:

pari passu \PAIR-ee-PASS-oo; PAIR-ih-PASS-oo\, adverb:
At an equal pace or rate.

Expand the state and its destructive capacity necessarily expands too, pari passu.

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