Thursday, August 13, 2009

Remembering Aunt Altrea

I have had many a road trip with Aunt Alterie, and they were very enjoyable because of her love for life. The last two trips I remember so vividly and fondly.
- a few years ago I had to go to NC for business. My Mom and several of the sisters including Aunt Alterie decided to go with me to see the family in SC. So we got on the road and I could hardly drive for laughing at the things (many of which I can't even mention in mixed company) Aunt Alterie would say. She did it mostly just to entertain us and get a reaction from us. Anyone who knew her knew that she loved her family, life and loved to laugh. They dropped me at my hotel in NC and then proceeded in my van onto SC were Vinita hosted them and made them delicious food. They saw their brothers and family and they then picked me back up on the way home and that ride was equally enjoyable!

- A couple of years ago when Anthony and Andrea were married Aunt Alterie was the only one in her generation that could make the wedding. She was determine to come and represent for Auntie Barbara and the others. She had the time of her life. Her daughter Vanessa dropped her off at the wedding. After the wedding Aunt Alterie needed a ride to the reception. Although my truck was much too high for her to get up into, she was determined. After several attempts to get her into the truck, Robne and Judy said that we needed to go in and get "the boys" (Melvin & Darren) to help us get her in. While Judy went to get them I said, the heck with that, we don't need "the boys" I got this. With that I went around (the entire time Aunt Alterie was giggling and laughing) I put my hip under hers and pushed and pushed until I got her in the truck. When "the boys" came out they couldn't believe that I alone had managed to get Aunt Alterie in the truck. So I then got behind the driving wheel looked at her and said, why do you have to ride with us anyway, you just want to be with us. Aunt Alterie said "yeah" smiled and giggled. We all laughed and went to the reception where we all sat at the table with Aunt Alterie. She had such a good time watching the young ones and acting young herself, and of course, sharing her wonderful humor and laugh. We all really enjoyed that day celebrating with Anthony & Andrea and our wonderful family. I have many other fond memories of her, to know her was to love her and life.


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